+34 672 12 96 48




If the jobs that are listed have been advertised as being a summer job/part time job, then yes.
When you are signing in, press on forgot password and write the email you are using, then you will receive the new password in your email. If you can’t remember the username you used, try to connect with your email address.
In job advertisement section, you can find the information of the hiring manager or lead recruiter.
Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make any edits to your uploaded document once you have submitted your application. However, we can upload a new updated attachment (resume/cover letter as one file) and delete the outdated version, but it’s not guaranteed the hiring team will be able to see the update if the recruitment is already in progress.
Our benefits are: You have an easy access to job candidates and work offers. Also our website is easy to navigate.
After you’ve made your account, go to the jobs section and click on the one that you are interested in. Press apply for the job, upload your CV and cover letter, and press on apply for the job.
Our department will contact you by sending an email to you.
The job advertiser will look at the application you’ve sent and contact you.